The Goddess Kuan Yin Monastery is a Buddhist worship place. Its physical appearance is a resemblance to a ready-to-sail ship. It is located in approximately 15.420 meter squares in width, in the riverbank, at the slope of the hill. In this area, there are natural bathing pond with clean and fresh water that coming out of the hill.

Bathing pond, which is commonly called Kolam Tujuh Bidadari (The Seven Fairies Pond), is fully covered with white lotuses. Based on the information of Chinese people living in Bangka Island, the water of the river contains the efficacies for healing diseases, staying young and acceding the hopes of its visitors. Therefore the visitors will not only get experience of its religious atmosphere, but may also drink the fresh and clean water of the well within the building that is believed full of efficacies.
This Buddhist Monastery is the heritage of the first Buddhist dwelling Bangka Island. Entering the building directly felt religious atmosphere of the location but it willbe a tourism nuance while touring around the monastery. In the area found some locations that are intended for tourism, convenience of the Buddhist worship, or convenience of visitors who only want to enjoy the atmosphere at the area. In this area visitors will be taken to enjoy natural beauty, taste the miracle of nature, and witnessing greatness of God.
The Kuan Yin Monastery is located approximately 6 km from Sungailiat City, Bangka-Belitung Province, Republic of Indonesia
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